Saturday 17 March 2012

Impact of Nuclear Power Plant to Malaysia

          Nuclear Power Plant Impact to Malaysia can be considered towards economics, environment and social perspective. It gives impact to this aspects due to the large influence made to them. Before starting to plant this idea, Malaysia’s government already created Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and MOSTI has assemble a team to create Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) to do the specific planning.

Initially, let’s discuss towards economics. It’s confirmed that to maintain a good economy of a country, we need to establish our industrial sector because it will attract the investors. To become an industrial country we need to have sufficient energy to support the factories for example. That’s why Nuclear Power Plant must be implemented because Nuclear Power Plant can generate the most energy compare to any other type of power plant.
Secondly, let’s discuss the impact to environment. In Malaysia, the most popular power plant is hydroelectric and the biggest problem of the power plant is that it takes so much place in a forest due to most of the river in Malaysia is inside forest. For example in Temenggor Power Plant, so much deforest until it destroy a lot of animals habitat.
                Lastly, let’s discuss from social perspective. We always heard Nuclear Power Plant in other developed countries, but it’s good to educate Malaysians that even our country can manage to implement it. It can give the younger generation to think more out of the box in the future.

                As a conclusion, Nuclear Power Plant in Malaysia gives many benefits and we should not just see it from bad perspective only. If the Malaysians only see a new technology from the bad perspective, maybe until now even gadget like mobile phone will not be used.

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