Saturday 17 March 2012

Challenges to implement NPP in Malaysia

             In the 1970s, Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) had actually examined nuclear power as an option after oil prices surged when the main producing countries decided to turn off the tap. But Malaysia found gas in Terengganu and the government decided to use that as the main source of fuel for the power sector. That was about 20 years ago and in another 10 years or so, we would have used up all of that gas. Now, TNB is actively pushing for the government to use nuclear energy and it wants a decision around 2013 to comfortably head off a power crunch sometime in 2025. SHAHRIMAN JOHARI takes a look at the nuclear issue and the concerns Malaysians have over the energy source. This was taken from The New Straits Times. However there are some challenges that being faced by the country in realizing the project. These challenges has to be solve first before we could benefit the green energy of nuclear power.

          One of the key challenges that government has been facing is the people acceptance on nuclear. It is the norm of not only Malaysian, probably most of the world would be imagining the picture of mushroom smoke cloud when they hear the word nuclear. This are one of the misconception that the people have. Few also directly translate nuclear as bomb. A bomb which can cause big explosion and mass destruction. Then there’s also radiation, the thing that people think could end our lives. These are all typical answer from everywhere in the world if we questioned on their understanding about nuclear. But the fact disagrees. As we could see, many countries have been implementing nuclear power plant. Same as ours, the people also have been opposing the project initially. However after they learn about nuclear energy, and being convinced that the plant construction is safe, the project was carried through. 

First Atomic Bombing over Japan occured in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

          Having an approval for the plant site is quite a challenging task. People are aware about nuclear radiation, but they do not aware about the safety precaution that has been utilized to manage the nuclear radiation. They also does not aware on the protective shield that could prevent the nuclear radiation from affecting the surroundings. What they do know is if a nuclear power plant is to be constructed, the site should be located hundreds of kilometers from the nearest living habitat, as if in the middle of the desert would be the best idea. It is true that a nuclear power plant could potentially emits radiation but how about the workers? Do they expose themselves with the radiation? Yes, but in a safe amount that a human body can take. So, can a power plant be located near a town or a village? Of course no because of the safety precaution. But because of this, we will be assured that placing a nuclear power plant is just like approving a site for a hydro-power plant, provided that the safety precaution and safety standard are being kept by the nuclear agency.

             It is hard to implement nuclear power plant without having public support from the localities. Current progress of the implementation of nuclear power plant in Malaysia is to wait for the government permission. The things that are holding the government from giving the permission to proceed is because of the public support. A support from the people could indicate that the people are accepting use of nuclear energy in Malaysia. Apart from that, the technology consultation from the host country also plays a big role in realizing the implementation of nuclear power plant. Without this public support, the permission to proceed with the project are yet to be assured.

             Government has tried to come up with several potential solution for the problems. One of it is to conduct a public opinion survey to identify priority segments and concerns. Then an awareness project will be beneficial to expose the people with nuclear power energy by organizing a public awareness campaign. Also the government will keep its transparency through the project implementation. Other than that to obtain the local support, a public information program would be the best solution. Also there are some option for localities to bid to host nuclear plant as in Japan and Republic of Korea

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