Wednesday 25 April 2012

Advantages & Disadvatages of Nuclear Power Plant

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in California, USA

Abundance source of energy
Uranium is a type of element that can be sustain from crust of the earth. It mostly can be find in Canada and Australia. It’s virtually inexhaustible type of energy source and it will there for centuries.

Extra amount of energy
To become a develop country, bigger industry sector predicted to be in the future in Malaysia. Sufficient power needed to support this.

No Emission
Other source of energy like fossil fuel does emit much type of gases.

The waste
Nuclear waste is not in a big quantity and confined. It won’t affect the surroundings like for example, the factory waste being disposed in the river.

Nature catastrophe
It may cause a big problem when nature catastrophe like earth quake or tsunami hit it. Radiation will be spread widely.

Nuclear weapon from nuclear technology
Bad people exist in this world. Yes, nuclear weapon is the worst weapon in the world but this is not due to the nuclear power plant technology but the misused of some individuals for their own good.

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